Why I’m Running

 As a working parent, I am always grateful for the public schools. But it wasn’t until the pandemic when I was working from home 10 to 12 hours a day teaching math classes online and taking care of my child’s mental health at the same time, that I recognized just how critical a good public school system truly was to working class families. 

(Desplácese hacia abajo para leer en español.)

I’m a teacher, I never thought I would run for political office. After switching careers long ago from courtroom lawyer to school teacher to devote more time to child rearing as a single parent, I never thought I would return to law and politics. But it was a turning point for me when the social worker let me know that the officers had found my missing daughter on the roof of a building. I wouldn’t be able to see her for at least 72 more hours. She was handcuffed in the squad car to be taken to a hospital for her own protection. It was to prevent her from succeeding at ending her own life. 

My name is Dr. Janie Dam and I’m running for School Board to ensure that students of all backgrounds and family situations can have the supportive school culture and quality education that they need to thrive in life. My daughter’s story has a happy ending. She is now healthy and happy again. Doing well in high school and setting her eyes on medical school. But it took a whole lot out of me to help her get there. I want happier stories for all the families in Los Angeles, especially single-parent families like mine.

If you are voting by mail, your ballot must be postmarked by March 5, 2024. The kids will need you to write-in JANIE DAM in black or blue ink on the ballot, and fill in the bubble to the left.

If you are voting in person at a poll booth on March 5th, please type in JANIE DAM as the write-in candidate and click on the button to vote on behalf of the kids.

Every child is unique and deserves individual attention. As a school teacher and a mother I have seen and addressed firsthand the struggles that kids are faced with today. As a School Board member I will bring my extensive professional and personal experience from both traditional district and charter schools to the table and prioritize students’ needs inside and outside the classroom.

Our children are our best hope for the future, and every vote counts. Together let’s find new and innovative ways to make sure every child receives the best possible public education in the 21st Century. Thank you so much. I appreciate each and everyone of you.

I think political extremism has gone too far on both sides and is distracting the Board and the District from important work. No child should have to choose between their teachers and their parents. Parents are their children’s first teachers, and teachers spend their entire workday taking care of students as if they were their parents. The Board should foster better understanding between parents and teachers. Teachers at traditional district and charter schools should share best practices and grow together professionally, not be galvanized against one another by a politicized School Board. 

If you are as concerned as I am about the impact of polarization on the future of public education and want a Board member with the courage to find common ground and build bridges and the endurance that it will take to deliver the policies needed to serve every student, regardless of family demographics, preferences or school choice, I am the candidate for you.

My students, their parents and I worked so hard trying to collect 1,000 nominating signatures! But we still missed getting on the ballot by a small number so I am running as a “Write-In” candidate. Our 9th graders came up with a brilliant slogan that helps everyone remember the name to write-in: Vote for JANIE, she’s DAM good!!! <3 

Please remember, if you are voting by mail, your ballot must be postmarked by March 5, 2024. The kids will need you to write-in JANIE DAM in black or blue ink on the ballot, and fill in the bubble to the left. If you are voting in person at a poll booth on March 5th, please type in JANIE DAM as the write-in candidate and click on the button to vote on behalf of the kids.

(Hola ¡Por favor disculpen mi limitado español! ¡Puedo cometer algunos errores! Gracias.) Como madre trabajadora, siempre estoy agradecida por las escuelas públicas. Pero no fue hasta la pandemia, cuando trabajaba desde casa de 10 a 12 horas al día impartiendo clases de matemáticas en línea y cuidando la salud mental de mi hija al mismo tiempo, que reconocí lo importante que era realmente un buen sistema de escuelas públicas para las familias de clase trabajadora. 

Soy maestra, nunca pensé que alguna vez me postularía para un cargo político. Pero fue un punto de inflexión para mí cuando la trabajadora social llamó a mi puerta para decirme que los policías habían encontrado a mi hija desaparecida en el techo de un edificio. No podría verla durante al menos 72 horas más. Fue esposada en el coche patrulla para ser llevada a un hospital para su propia protección. Era para evitar que lograra acabar con su propia vida.  

Mi nombre es Janie Dam y me postulo para la Junta Escolar para garantizar que los estudiantes de todos los orígenes y situaciones familiares puedan tener la cultura escolar de apoyo y la educación de calidad que necesitan para prosperar en la vida. La historia de mi hija tiene un final feliz. Ahora está sana y feliz de nuevo. Le fue bien en la escuela secundaria y puso sus ojos en la escuela de medicina. Pero me costó mucho ayudarla a llegar allí. Quiero historias más felices para todas las familias de Los Ángeles, especialmente para las familias monoparentales como la mía.

Si va a votar por correo (vote-by-mail), su boleta debe tener matasellos antes del 5 de marzo de 2024, así que vote temprano. Los niños necesitarán que escriba a mano mi nombre JANIE DAM en tinta negra o azul en la línea “Write-In” de la boleta y que llenes la burbuja al lado. Si va a votar en persona en una cabina de votación (poll booth) el 5 de marzo, escriba mi nombre JANIE DAM como su candidato “Write-In” y haga clic en el botón para que me elijan en nombre de los niños.

Cada niño, niña es único/a y merece atención individual. Como maestra de escuela y madre, he visto y abordado de primera mano las luchas a las que se enfrentan los niños hoy en día. Como miembro de la Junta Escolar, aportaré mi amplia experiencia profesional y personal y priorizaré las necesidades de los estudiantes dentro y fuera del aula.

Nuestros hijos son nuestra mejor esperanza para el futuro. Juntos encontremos nuevas formas de asegurarnos de que todos los niños reciban la mejor educación pública posible en el siglo XXI. Muchas gracias. Les agradezco a todos y cada uno de ustedes.

Si va a votar por correo (vote-by-mail), su boleta debe tener matasellos antes del 5 de marzo de 2024, así que vote temprano. Los niños necesitarán que escriba a mano mi nombre JANIE DAM en tinta negra o azul en la línea “Write-In” de la boleta y que llenes la burbuja al lado. Si va a votar en persona en una cabina de votación (poll booth) el 5 de marzo, escriba mi nombre JANIE DAM como su candidato “Write-In” y haga clic en el botón para que me elijan en nombre de los niños.

Creo que el extremismo político ha ido demasiado lejos en ambos lados y está distrayendo a la Junta y al Distrito del trabajo importante. Ningún niño debería tener que elegir entre sus maestros y sus padres. Los padres son los primeros maestros de sus hijos, y los maestros pasan su jornada laboral cuidando a los estudiantes como si fueran sus padres. La Junta debe fomentar un mejor entendimiento entre padres y maestros. Los maestros de las escuelas tradicionales del distrito y las escuelas chárter schools deben compartir las mejores prácticas y crecer juntos profesionalmente, no ser galvanizados unos contra otros por una Junta Escolar politizada.

Si usted está tan preocupado como yo por el futuro de la educación pública, y quiere el coraje de buscar un terreno común y construir puentes, la resistencia para ofrecer políticas y opciones que sirvan a todos los estudiantes, independientemente de la demografía familiar y la elección de escuela, Yo soy el candidato para ti.

¡Mis antiguos alumnos, sus padres y yo trabajamos muy duro tratando de recolectar 1,000 firmas de nominación! Pero aún así no pudimos aparecer en la boleta electoral por un pequeño número, así que me postulo como candidata “Write-In” (“Por Escrito”). A nuestros alumnos de 9º grado se les ocurrió un eslogan brillante que ayuda a todos a recordar el nombre para escribir: Vote for JANIE, she’s DAM good!!! <3

Si va a votar por correo (vote-by-mail), su boleta debe tener matasellos antes del 5 de marzo de 2024, así que vote temprano. Los niños necesitarán que escriba a mano mi nombre JANIE DAM en tinta negra o azul en la línea “Write-In” de la boleta y que llenes la burbuja al lado. Si va a votar en persona en una cabina de votación (poll booth) el 5 de marzo, escriba mi nombre JANIE DAM como su candidato “Write-In” y haga clic en el botón para que me elijan en nombre de los niños.


Meet Janie

A former public attorney, Dr. Janie Dam is an accomplished public educator with vast experience in the California education system. Janie has been nominated and selected for the 2024 Emerge California Democratic Women Candidates Program.

Janie is an elected member of United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) House of Representatives, serving on the UTLA-Represented Charter Schools Committee and LAUSD Arts Advisory Council. Janie began her teaching career at Holmes Middle School in 2000, and transitioned to high school in 2006 when she joined Granada Hills Charter High School, an Academic Decathlon national champion school. 

She is an honorary Rotarian in Rotary District 5280 and advises the Granada Hills Interact student club. Janie dedicates herself as a School on Wheels tutor for homeless children in San Fernando Valley, and volunteer for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, participating in the Demand A Seat candidate program.

Dr. Dam previously advised the California Charter Schools Association (CCSA) on instructional technology procurement, and is an appointee to the California State Communications & Technology Committee of the Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) Society for Key Women Educators. Her commentary articles on progressive educational practices have been published by EdSource.

Beyond teaching in the classroom Dr. Dam has worn many other educational hats: International Studies curriculum coordinator, STEM advisor and coordinator, Kiwanis Key Club and Rotary Interact Club advisor, testing and data coordinator for both college and vocational advanced placement, student assessment and learning management systems administrator, WASC school accreditation School Organization focus group leader.

Returning to the classroom full-time since the pandemic to help alleviate the teacher shortage, Janie continues to be in demand as an effective teacher of real-world high school mathematics.  She is a learning loss intervention teacher and a general education co-teacher in the Special Day special education program. 


Prior to becoming a Los Angeles educator, Janie practiced law in Chicago. She was appointed to an Illinois Assistant Attorney General position following advocacy work protective of vulnerable immigrant small business owners and helpful to the prosecution of financial exploitation.

Janie embodies the American Dream. Like many of her students, she comes from a family of hardworking first-generation immigrants. She is proud of both her American upbringing and Vietnamese heritage. Following the footsteps of her parents who were both dedicated teachers, Janie’s mission is to make a difference in public education to ensure that every student can achieve their American dream. She takes to heart what President John F. Kennedy expressed in his 1963 UNICEF address: “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” 

Vision for our Schools

Rapidly advancing technologies are posing both massive potential and massive risk to human life and society. Our children are our best hope for the future. Yet too many students are struggling social-emotionally and academically. Janie will deliver the right kind of district leadership that empowers youths through proper teaching, guidance and support.

Based on empirical research and ongoing conversations with District 3 students, teachers and parents, Janie will prioritize the following as a School Board member:

Budget Transparency

Facility Inventory

Campus Safety

21st Century Curriculum

21st Century Instruction

21st Century Operations

Early literacy as the foundation for all learning and for positive societal engagement. 

An expanded and enhanced arts education program, including arts-embedded curriculum, to help resolve students’ mental health issues such as phone addiction, depression and anxiety, and to engage or re-engage them in academic achievement.

 A secure platform to unite administrators, teachers, parents and students in a more decentralized and democratized interactive school governance model, toward more positive and productive school community relationships.

Inspiring personalized college preparatory and vocational curriculum & instruction centered upon real-world problem solving that sparks critical and philosophical thinking and engages or re-engages every student in academic achievement.

Training and support for teachers in all the academic disciplines on the ethical use of high technologies.

Recruitment, training and mentoring of more female police officers and more officers who reflect the ethnic, cultural and linguistic characteristics of the student body to serve on campus security teams or cadres.

Every donation helps to build the campaign and reach more voters.

Janie is deeply grateful to have your support and will work tirelessly to ensure all students receive the quality education they deserve.

Sign up to join Team JANIE!